The WHO Warns Against Airborne Covid: The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Who Warns Against Airborne Cavid: The Importance of Indoor Air Quality in Healthy Living

The WHO Warns Against Airborne Covid: The Importance of Indoor Air Quality in Healthy Living is a study by the World Health Organization and is very important for people who are breathing the air we breathe everyday. It is a study on the correlation between poor indoor air quality, asthma and other respiratory conditions and the increasing number of illnesses and deaths from these diseases and more so, with the rising number of people who suffer from allergies or respiratory illnesses. It is also a study that gives you a picture on how well your home can help in eliminating these diseases.


What is alarming about the results of this study is that it has been conducted by the very high-ranking doctors. This means that this study is considered very important and that you should take it very seriously. There are some interesting facts and figures in this study that are actually shocking. Here they are:


Air Quality is important and can cause all kinds of illnesses and even death. One of the main reasons why the WHO is making its warning against airborne contaminants is because it does not believe that the air we breathe every day can be considered good enough to keep us healthy. Airborne contaminants like dust mites and mold, for example, can not only affect the air we breathe but can also harm our immune systems, skin and lungs in the long run.


The study also showed that there was a huge difference in the way the different parts of the country were affected by these airborne contaminants. It was also found that while some parts of the country had little to no problem at all with the contaminants, others had a higher level of pollution and health risks. As a matter of fact, some parts of the country had more air pollution than others.


Such results are quite shocking, especially when you consider the fact that these pollutants were present in the air we breathe every day. But it is important to note that many of these problems can easily be avoided if you would just make some changes to your daily habits. You just have to make sure that you are doing a bit of preventive maintenance on your homes and workplaces.


You should be taking measures to improve your indoor air quality because as much as possible, you want to protect yourself and your family and your pets. by ensuring that you do not breathe in anything that has particles or chemicals that can harm your health. So next time you go out and shop for a gift for a new home appliance, you should remember to ask yourself these questions: Who Warns Against Airborne Cavid: The Importance of Indoor Air Quality?

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